Bad Credit Payday Loans
Bad Credit Payday Loans can Solve Your Financial Problems
Loans can be needed at any time anywhere. A loan means owing money from someone for a particular time against a certain rate of interest. A payday loan is nothing but a loan that you take for the tenure of one day. It means you have to pay the loan amount on the next day. Many times the borrowers have to provide post-dated cheques to the lender as a guarantee so that the borrower doesn’t default to pay the loan on time. As the bad credit payday loans arrange for instant money for you so the interest rate is a bit higher for them. Sometimes you may have to pay @35% on the capital. The interest amount is calculated on day by day. Mostly the micro-enterprises take these kinds of loans.
Why Needed?
The concept of a payday loan is not a very new one in the business arena. In most of the cases, people take payday loans just to meet their immediate obligations. Most of the small businessmen, who don’t have the capital to invest for business, go for these payday loans. After the whole day’s transactions, he returns the money borrowed from the lender along with the amount of interest. Previously the rural hawkers used to take loans from the MAHAJANS to finance their business activity and similarly they also had to pay back the amount. Not only this can you also take a payday loan for some other reasons too like for emergency medical expenses and so on.
A Brief History of Payday Loans
The concept of payday loans became popular in the 1990’s as it attracted a huge number of people to take a loan on a daily basis. The payday loans grabbed a good proportion of the money lending market.
Requisites of Bad Credit Payday Loans
Now, what is bad credit? Credit means credit scores of a person. This is a type of score that is assigned on the basis of the financial health of a particular person. If you want to access bad credit payday loans you need to fulfill some conditions. The things that are considered to assign a credit score is the income of the person, the status of the job, net income if any on-going loan is there if the person has any history of defaulting in payment of loans. So if you get a good score then there will be no difficulties to get any loan. But if the score is bad then you need to provide security that will warrant that you will not default to pay the loan amount back.
Some Companies that Provides Bad Credit Loans
- Upstart
It is one of the most famous companies to provide bad credit loans. Here you can get loans sitting at your home. The only requisite is that you need to have a minimum income of $1200 per month.
- OneMain
It is another non-banking financial agency that provides you online bad credit loans that you can get instantly in your account if you have just $50000 as your annual disposable income.